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Treat Your Health Symptoms at the Root Cause with Ayurveda

EXPERIENCE 100% Natural holistic Healing

Build your health from inside out with All Natural Holistic Ayurveda. Get off the pills & quick fix solutions with the support of a Healing Diet & Lifestyle.

RECEIEVE Personalised ayurvedic treatment

Eliminate your specific health symptoms at the root cause. Get on 1:1 consultation with Medhya's Ayurvedic practitioners to draft a healing health program that suits your needs & lifestyle.

rebuild health for lasting results

Heal your Body & Mind with Ayurveda. Naturally gain strength in your body, keep your nutrient levels umpteen & build your immunity to prevent and fight off disease causing factors.

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Begin your Health Transformation Journey Today with All Natural Holistic Ayurveda

In Their Own Words: Reviews from those who Believed & Healed with Ayurveda


Home maker

After starting my treatment with Medhya Herbals, I could bring my blood sugar levels back to normal. I also lost 8 Kg weight and my BP started showing normal reading. I am now able to go for morning walks and practice yoga on daily basis. All of my cravings are gone and I find myself to be free of the Diabetes problems.


IT Professional

After 6 months of starting Thyroid treatment with Medhya Herbals, I was also able to conceive naturally and deliver a healthy baby girl with full term pregnancy. With Ayurveda, I could avoid the medications and their side effects and also achieve better health for myself and my family members.



I have been following Ayurvedic treatment with Medhya Herbals for past 7 months now and have seen massive improvement in my overall health. My hair is growing back, there is no pain or fatigue. My skin is also healing with the gentle approach of Ayurveda and I am sure to reverse my condition very soon.

Success Stories and Healing Journeys

My weight has started to move down...and my skin feels much better. Now, I feel light, energetic, and motivated for physical activity. Before I started Medhya Herbals Ayurvedic Program, I used to suffer from constant hunger and craved for treats...but now I do not even think of food in between my appetite is regular...and food cravings are gone.


I have lost more than 18 Kg in the past 1 year. Gone are the days of difficulty in sleeping, snoring, feeling heavy and bloated. I feel in control of my body now and I am more aware of the changes happening inside due to my diet, sleep, and lifestyle. Ayurvedic treatment with Dr. Pawan Bansal at Medhya Herbals helped me to improve my lifestyle easily despite being super busy at work and with young kids.


Best part of the Health Plan is it’s practicality. The Diet plan I received is based on easily available Ingredients. Use of any supplements or medicine is next to nil. Nidhi is a Health Coach, who has genuine interest in betterment of my longtime health. With regular calls, Nidhi frequently tuned my health regime based on my progress. This really helped me to make permanent changes in my lifestyle to attain lifetime benefits.



What's Your Dosha? Take 2 Mins Quiz to find your Ayurvedic body type